LTO Glaskracht Netherlands has more than 2000 different members and serve them all with a personal profile on the website. By a recently made self-service part of the site, the website administrator of the company that is a member of LTO Glaskracht Netherlands can indicate exactly who wants to see what kind of information. Per person he can determine which topics one can see, by check and uncheck themes, crops and regions within the ‘my profile’ personal page. Therefore the information on the personal page and the newsletter meets the wishes and interests of the members.
If a member choose the theme ‘labour’, he gets on the self-service part just to see articles about the collective labour agreement, laws and regulations. An energy specialist sees posts about everything around energy.
To make the self-service part on the website possible, there’s also a link between TYPO3 and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system which uses LTO Glaskracht Netherlands. Data adapted by the web administrator changes the profile page and will be automatically carried through CRM. The data provided by the member administration of LTO Glaskracht Netherlands will be adjusted in CRM and are automatically carried through in TYPO3.
The communication department can easily post news messages for the website, newsletters and social media. These news messages are linked to crops, themes and regions. After logging in, members can read certain messages, depending what kind of membership they have. Twice a week they receive a personal newsletter.
The website of LTO Glaskracht Netherlands combines information and service in a user friendly environment. Adjustments in TYPO3 can be made easily and give LTO Glaskracht Netherlands the change to serve their members optimal.