Varför använda TYPO3? - Därför att TYPO3 är CMS:et för dig!

TYPO3 är ett Enterprise Content Management System. Om du behöver skapa, hantera och publicera någon typ av digitalt innehåll, är TYPO3 det rätta verktyget för dig. Du kan börja i liten skala och växa snabbt, men allt eftersom ditt företag förändras, behöver du aldrig byta CMS eftersom TYPO3 anpassar sig till dina behov.

> 9 mn Nedladdningar

> 9,000 Funktioner

> 1,500 Tilläggsmoduler

Ingen licenskostnad

TYPO3 är öppen källkodsprogramvara enligt GNU General Public License. Det innebär att vi levererar programvaran till dig utan kostnad och juridiska skyldigheter. Det har alltid varit så här, det är så nu, och det kommer att förbli så.

Flexibelt system som utvecklats kontinuerligt sedan 1997

Med över 15 års erfarenhet på webbpubliceringsmarknaden, kan vi med säkerhet säga att: "Vi har sett allt". Men inte bara har vi sett allt, vi har också klarat av alla utmaningar som digitalt innehåll har överöst oss med.

En sak du inte kan påskynda i livet, är att få erfarenhet - TYPO3 täcker dig.

TYPO3 Community - Vid god hälsa

TYPO3 har en väldigt aktiv gemenskap som har organiserats i olika team och kommitéer, för att säkerställa den fortsatta utvecklingen och förbättringen av TYPO3.

Beroende på vilka färdigheter som krävs, hanteras en mängd varierande uppgifter av olika team för hela TYPO3-sortimentet.

Core Teamet, ett urval av experter, är ansvariga för att utveckla kärnfunktionerna i TYPO3 och anpassa dessa till användarnas och utvecklarnas behov och krav, i samarbete med andra team. Åtgärder för löpande kvalitetssäkring, såsom Unit Testing, kodversionering, kodgranskning och ett omfattande projektledningsteam, är en integrerad del av gemenskapen.


Ett globalt utbud av olika evenemang omger TYPO3. Dessa gör det möjligt att uppleva TYPO3's förmågor och den senaste utvecklingen inom TYPO3.

De internationella TYPO3-konferenserna gör att du kan komma i kontakt med TYPO3-projektet. Skapa nya kontakter med personer från din bransch, eller träffa personer som delar din mentalitet. Få aktuell information utöver TYPO3 och webbutveckling i Nordamerika, Asien och Europa.

Det finns evenemang för alla inom den digitala industrin:

  • leverantörer av affärslösningar
  • marknadsförare
  • utvecklare
  • byråer

Nationella kommitéer och team organiserar en mängd evenemang som t ex:

  • skol-, universitets- och campus-kurser
  • läger för TYPO3-inegratörer och användare
  • det berömda TYPO3 Developer Days
  • T3CON Business Event
  • MeetTYPO3 endagskonferens

Under 2015 introducerade TYPO3 Education Committee ett dedikerat evenemang för blivande och existerande TYPO3-certifierade integratörer - #CertiFUNcation Day - som hölls på en av Europas största nöjesparker, Phantasialand nära Köln, Tyskland. Här gavs TYPO-inegratörer möjligheten att friska upp sina kunskaper i TYPO3, få den senaste informationen och ryktena direkt från hjärtat av gemenskapen, möta och utbyta erfarenheter med likasinnade människor samt hitta nya affärsmöjligheter.

Den årliga T3Board erbjuder möjligheten att delta på en snowboard- och skidresa för att möta upp inom TYPO3 Community. Om du inte tycker om kylan, kan du även förbättra dina TYPO3- och seglingskunskaper under T3Sail!

Elevator Pitches

TYPO3 CMS explained for the CEO

TYPO3 helps your IT teams build secure, up-to-date systems that give your marketers what they need to connect with customers and compete in today’s digital landscape.

TYPO3 CMS explained for the CTO

TYPO3 CMS is a robust, proven technology choice that offers excellent security, supports regulatory compliance, and delivers better ROI for your digital projects.

TYPO3 CMS explained for the Developer

Supported by a vibrant professional open source community, TYPO3 is built on current, standards-based, open source components to be extensible, flexible, and scalable.

TYPO3 CMS explained for the System Admin

TYPO3 CMS makes your job easy and predictable with a regular release cycle, easy updates, security best practices, and up-to-date software components and libraries.

TYPO3 CMS explained for the Project Manager

TYPO3 CMS is stable, reliable, and predictable, helping you deliver projects on time and on budget even when you’re developing new features and functionality.

TYPO3 CMS explained for the Marketer

TYPO3 CMS is an open-source enterprise content management system that supports your needs in connecting to your audience in today’s digital landscape.


TYPO3 100% Open Source

We are committed to true Open Source. No hidden agenda, no license jungle - simply GPL. For you this means that you will make a safe and reliable investment by choosing TYPO3 without any legal issues later on. “TYPO3: 100% homegrown, fresh and juicy Open Source!

TYPO3 runs self-hosted

Feel free to install TYPO3 on any server you like that supports the minimum of system requirements. TYPO3 has no binding to a specific hosting partner even though you will find specialized TYPO3 hosters who have the knowhow to make your sites fly.

TYPO3 is reliable and state-of-the-art web technology

Any buzzword for your site - be it HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, Twitter Bootstrap or Zurb Foundation - it’s all there. But you also got all the freedom in the world to choose what you want for rendering your website or online application. So your website can be mobile-friendly, mobile-ready,mobile-first or whatever-we-will-be-faced-with-in-10-years-first, it’s all in your hands

TYPO3 is truly scalable according to business needs

Everybody claims to supply a scalable system. They talk about Varnish caches and proxies. But then the caches scale - not your system. TYPO3 is able to handle a lot load more than most competitors. By supplying both built-in caching as well as high-speed lean API access TYPO3 will grow as you grow your business.

TYPO3 offers industry-leading multilanguage functionality

We designed TYPO3 to support multi-language sites more than 15 years ago. While supplying award-winning solutions for international websites we gained a lot of experience which we always re-implemented back into TYPO3. We know, that multi-language means more than having two languages in your system - it’s about regional differences for different countries and markets, on a highly flexible level to fit your needs. So you can be sure to have one of the most intuitive and field-proven solutions at hand to help you go global.

With TYPO3 you get safety first and foremost

In 2004 we already established a dedicated security team of experienced developers to keep your system and your data safe. But our engineers do not only keep TYPO3s core secure - they even check 3rd party extensions for potential threats and keep you informed. The team uses the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) to track and evaluate possible security-issues.


TYPO3 offers extendable functionality

We built TYPO3 to be extensible right from the start. Most of its own functionality is based on our Extension APIs. Whatever your challenges in digital are - you have the capability to bend TYPO3 towards your audience's needs. The community offers an extension for almost any challenge. The TYPO3 Extension Repository helps you find a solution for the challenges you face.

TYPO3 is mobile friendly out of the box

Since version 4.7. TYPO3 CMS supports the future standard for the modern Web - HTML5. Use modern fluid- rendering-, the Bootstrap- framework and state-of-the-art image rendering to support mobile apps and “responsive” Websites. Current versions can be easily operated using tablets or smartphones.

TYPO3 offers beyond state-of-the-art image rendering capabilities

Tired of waiting on your graphic department or agency to deliver the images for your website? For more than 15 years TYPO3 sets the standard in image manipulation in Content Management Systems. Scaling and cropping images is simple - anyone can do that. But TYPO3 can also compose new images based on a ruleset defined not only per website but even per use of a single image.

TYPO3 has out-of-the-box CDN support

Utilizing TYPO3s one-of-a-kind file abstraction architecture makes distributing your assets across the globe as simple as uploading a file. Your editors don’t need any training in order to use a CDN like Akamai or Amazon’s CloudFront - simply work with your files as you go - TYPO3 will take care of the rest.

TYPO3 CMS is multisite ready from the core

Every CMS on the market can help you build a website. But most times you will have multiple sites running. TYPO3 offers unlimited sites, out-of-the-box, based on either the same layout in order to keep your CI or each with a totally different look and feel - tailored to your audience. All in one TYPO3 instance, so sharing content between your sites is possible right from the start.

Make CI branding simple with TYPO3 CMS

Create a stronger binding to your clients and editors by making them feel at home - in the end, they will spend quite some time using TYPO3 in their daily work. Adjust the visual appeal of TYPO3’s admin interface by uploading your logo and setting your main CI colors. Add a finishing touch with a neat background image et voilà: you just branded TYPO3.

TYPO3 CMS has a built-in export/import for sites

We offer a built-in solution to export your site on one server and then import it on another. So you never have to worry about migrating your content from one site to the next. But there is more to this: You can even import the same site multiple times into the same TYPO3 instance so you can create pre-defined sites off your own template.

With TYPO3 CMS you can offer restricted areas on websites and applications

Have you ever needed a special area within your website that allow editors to publish special content or functions reachable only by a group of defined users like a customer service area, a retailer login or an intranet? The concept of restricted areas and website users that need to log in to gain access to this area is built into TYPO3 from the ground up, and ready to use within minutes.

TYPO3 CMS offers granular access permissions for editors

Allowing allocation of individual user or group rights for entire websites, pages, subdomains or even for extensions and specific content elements.

With TYPO3 CMS you can automatically schedule content publishing

Prepare your content today and use the automatic timed publishing-functionality for a single part of your website like an image or banner, or even full areas of pages to show up at in the time you want for your visitors.

TYPO3 CMS offers integrated handling of remote media

TYPO3 provides a unique, yet simple way to handle remote files like videos hosted on youtube or vimeo. Media assets are available just like regular files for your editors to work with. The times of having Excel sheets containing URLs to external media are over

TYPO3 CMS assures higher code-quality through QA guidelines

The system is tested with over 8,000 automated tests. Unit tests are a way to detect design flaws or hidden bugs in existing or newly introduced code. Additionally new code only gets integrated in the TYPO3 core if a series of code-style tests are completed successfully, ensuring consistency in the codebase.

TYPO3 CMS has built-in content versioning & workflows from its core

Use TYPO3’s workspaces to abstract internal approval processes, versioning of any kind of data to keep track of changes and workflows to provision tasks and to publish content through a defined workflow.

Keep full control of your design with TYPO3 CMS

With TYPO3 you have full control over your sourcecode. If you need to customize the sourcecode of a page you are able to manipulate any kind of page-rendering-options. The best way to support search engine optimization (SEO).

Do a reliable budget planning with Long Term Support for TYPO3 CMS

TYPO3 was the first open source content management system to provide long term support (LTS) three years after the release of the version. You get free security and critical bugfixes for your stable release with a one-click-update.

Do multi-channel content publishing with TYPO3 CMS

TYPO3 supports an easy way to publish your Content in different formats like XML, JSON, PDF or just plain HTML as default. As an example it’s simple to create print-versions or RSS Feeds from the content you have.

Choose any database you want with TYPO3 CMS

TYPO3 runs best with MySQL, but you can use any other DBMS under the hood like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL. It just fits to what you need.