Debt collection with TYPO3

"Creditreform International is the umbrella association of independent Creditreform country offices from 22 European countries plus China. Its objective is to provide international information and debt collection services in order to ensure secure business to its clients all around the world…"

Debt collection with TYPO3

Credit reports by Creditreform will make business life easier!

The aim of any business activity is success. But even one wrong credit decisions can cause significant financial losses. And risks do not always appear at the start of a business connection but over time. This is a particular crucial point for international business activities. With an international credit report from Creditreform you will be able to get regular and early information about potential and existing business partners! This will put your international business success on a secure foundation right from the start.

Our keys to your success

We offer high quality business information and debt collection services to secure your business all around the globe!

  • Your advantages by working with Creditreform - in an overview
  • Creditreform worldwide solvency rating
  • International standardized information on foreign clients and suppliers
  • Guaranteed quality and up-to-date business information
  • Up-to-date and historical business figures, several balance sheets as well as profit and loss information - depending on the availability in the country


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